British Consulate in Antigua

British Consulate

The British Consulate in Antigua & Barbuda is located in St. John’s. We have listed their contact number, telephone numbers, location as in their street address and a map to the British Consulate in Antigua & Barbuda.note that they are now in the Price Waterhouse Cooper Centre in St John’s. Also not their office hours in Antigua and Barbuda. The British Consulate will issue you a passport. This if you have lost yours or register your children if they had been born in Antigua and Barbuda.

British Consulate in Antigua

Note the Consulate has been closed and you now need to contact the British High Commission inĀ Barbados for assistance. See the listing on this website for more information.

In the event that you lose your passport while in the country. You should inform the Antigua police to obtain a case number. The police will then issue a letter. Which you will need to present to the British Embassy to acquire a temporary passport or apply for a new one within the country. The temporary passport (emergency travel document) enables you to leave the country. But if you reside in Antigua, you’ll have to wait for a new passport to be issued, and your old Antigua visa will need to be transferred to your new passport. Even if you apply for a new passport online, you’ll still need the police report. Once you have a tracking number, you can track your passport online.

If you plan to get married, you’ll need to secure a letter from the Embassy to verify your single status, which may take several days. You must have original documents such as your divorce decree or your late spouse’s death certificate. The Antigua government will authenticate and translate the letter, which you can then use to register your marriage in Antigua.

Likewise see the British passport renewal Germany as well as the UK Consulate Dubai and the British Embassy in Angola.



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